case study
what is the magic of ux writing and what can it do for the client?
UX writing in enterprise-level B2B digital products
UX writing translates to user growth. Like, significantly. How? Read it!
UX writing, UI design, SEO, copywriting, content marketing
You want your new mobile app to take the market by the storm? Of course, you do. You need compelling UI design, a perfect user journey, as well as clear, concise, and engaging content. That's what we provided for a global company that operates in over 50 countries. Thanks to us, their B2B digital product's active users base skyrocketed from 1k to over 30k. Impressive, isn't it? We can do it for you as well.

Client's problems - overview

An enterprise-level client, who was starting the process of Digital Transformation, had a vision of an innovative digital product – a mobile app for creating orders and managing deliveries of construction materials. After the first tests of the app, it turned out that something was missing – the user journey was not intuitive and the microcopy was causing confusion.

Client's problems - UX writing & UI design

After numerous attempts to resolve the issues, it turned out that these were not just some minor tweaks. The organization needed professional help of experts in UX writing, UX & UI design, and communication strategy. The search for the perfectly fitting talents took months, and still, the project was stuck. This meant loss for the corporation. Then we met and stepped in.

We provided our expertise in UX writing, UX research, storytelling, and UX & UI design. We collaborated closely with the UX & Analytics and Design teams. Our fresh and innovative perspective translated to forging a successful and impactful mobile application. And hey, we got the numbers to brag – we did an outstanding job in this two-year-long project!

What we did:

+ Crafted a clear, concise, and precise microcopy for the mobile app;

+ Remodeled the user journey to make it super-intuitive and pleasant;

+ Helped with shaping a compelling User Interface of the application.

The results:

+ The B2B app brought down the house during the pilot in 3 countries,

+ After 6 months, the number of active users went from 1k to 10k,,

+ After 1+ year, the number of active users rose to over 30k and is growing,

+ Look at the screenshot below!

UX writing impacts application growth

We’re experts in UX writing. And the point is that UX writing is a part of communication strategy (we rock here too). This is not just ‘writing’. So, if you want to forge a remarkable, heart-winning app, you have to know two things. Namely, what your target group is and what are the needs of your potential users. 

Thanks to close cooperation of our pros with UX & Analytics, we translated customer insights into impactful content, and in result – into a successful B2B digital product. Oh, we also did our magic for the second digital product – the number of active users is now over 60k (and yes, it’s still growing).

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